To Give Back to the Community

To Give Back to the Community

Teach kids of all ages to give back to the community. Teaching them when they are young will go a long way. This will give them a sense of pride and build relationships and communication skills.

Some ideas

  1. Assist them to volunteer at the local food pantry or shelter
  2. Teach kids to assist neighbors and seniors with their daily needs- walking the pet, taking out trash, shoveling etc.
  3. Donate their books they no longer read to the local shelter for children.
  4. Assist kids baking goods and making goodie bags and deliver to your local law enforcement departments to thank them for the good job they do.
  5. Donate their toys they have grown out of to your local shelter for others to enjoy them.
  6. Visit senior/ nursing homes and spend some time with the seniors and gain knowledge and wisdom from them.