8 Ways to Save Gas

8 Ways to Save Gas

Gas prices are something that concerns every driver, and every time we go to buy a new vehicle its fuel efficiency remains one of our top concerns. The amount of money we spend on gas in Columbus adds considerably to its total cost over its lifetime. But we don’t have to wait to buy a new car to start saving gas. Small changes in our regular driving habits and vehicle care can add up to a lot of savings over the long run. Provided here are ten simple and easy things we can do to save ourselves some extra gas and as a result some extra bucks at the pump.

  1. Check your air filter
    Dirty air filters can reduce a cars mileage by 10%.
  2. Keep your car tuned up
    A properly maintained engine tuned to the manufacturers specifications can improve mileage 8%.
  3. Check your tire alignment
    Poor alignment cause tires to wear out more quickly and forces your engine to work harder. Align your tires and save 10%.
  4. Tighten your gas cap
    A loose gas cap can cost you money due to evaporation of gasoline from your tank. His could rob you of 30 gallons of gas year!
  5. Keep your tires inflated
    More than one-quarter of vehicles are driving on deflated tires. The average under-inflation of 7.5 pounds causes a loss of 3% in fuel efficiency.
  6. Slow down
    For every 5 mph you reduce your speed you can reduce fuel consumption by 7%. This is especially true for vehicles that have large frontal surfaces such as vans and trucks.
  7. Drive Smoothly
    Avoid jack rabbit starts and you will improve your fuel economy. Feathering the gas pedal when you eave stop signs and lights can save you 0% mileage.
  8. Don’t Idle
    Besides causing air pollution, idling wastes gas. If stopped for more than 30 seconds, turn off the engine, and unless it is very cold out don’t bother to warm up your car before driving.